2024 Field Day Update

As we get closer to Field Day, we are preparing in more and more ways. Hal Rogers (K8CMD) – PRC Secretary has submitted an short article about field day to the Parma Observer, hoping to bring new people to join in and bring an awareness to our wonderful hobby. So make sure to look out for the article soon and share it with anyone that might be interested! If you miss the article you can check out the submitted PDF below.

June 22-23 Field Day

We are very pleased to announce that the Parma Radio Club will be joining in on Field Day! The event starts at 1800 UTC (2:00PM EST) Saturday June 22nd, going through the night and ending at 2059 UTC (5:00PM EST) Sunday June 23rd.

We are looking for volunteers to help set up and tear down, as well as help throughout the event. More details to come about the event.

For more information about field day and rules, check out this link:

ARRL Field Day

If you wish to volunteer please contact us at parmaradioclub@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing everyone there! Whether new to the hobby, a seasoned operator, or just curious about the hobby, this will be a fun experience for everyone!

April 23rd Meeting

We want to give a big “Thank You” to our speakers Don Cors (KE8HJD) from Parma CERT / div. FEMA and Chuck Mehoznek (K8CVM) Emergency Coordinator for ARES and ESG (Event Services Group)! They gave very informative information on how their organizations would handle emergency situations and events they help with.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these organizations, they do provide training most of the time with no charge! Here are some links that were provided at the meeting:




April 23rd Meeting / May 28th Meeting

This amazing hobby we have gives us a unique opportunity to be of assistance to our communities in the event of an emergency situation! Have you ever wondered how to get involved? Or what its like to take an emergency call?

Well make sure you don’t miss this meeting! We have a panel of emergency response experts from ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) attending to share their wisdom and experience!

The PRC proudly welcomes:

Chuck Mehoznek (K8CVM) – Emergency Coordinator, ARES and ESG (Event Services Group)

Don Cors (KE8HJD) – Parma CERT / div. FEMA

May 28th Meeting

We are also proud to welcome Mat from Cuyahoga County Skywarn! He will be discussing the National Weather Service Skywarn Program, and how amateur radio operators can participate in Cuyahoga County.

As more information about this meeting is finalized, I shall update this post, and keep a look out for the dedicated post closer to the meeting!

Upcoming solar eclipse promises to be the best yet for scientific experiments

For the amateur radio community and for everyday people this eclipse will spark the imagination and creativity of all the sciences given the path of totality! The moon will be extra close to Earth, providing a long and intense period of darkness, and the sun should be more active with the potential for dramatic bursts of plasma.

Hundreds if not thousands of the tens of millions of spectators will double as “citizen scientists,” helping NASA and other research groups better understand our planet and star. The sun will be just a year away from its maximum solar activity, as opposed to 2017 when it was near its minimum. April’s eclipse will also pass over three U.S. radar sites typically used for monitoring space weather. The stations will tune in to what’s happening in the upper atmosphere as the skies dim.

A link to the full article where I got this information can be read here: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/solar-eclipse-scientific-experiments-promising-rcna144900?fbclid=IwAR13wKbQRPHfhI29Yaklizq37uZZdpl57FAeVYJXMuNOJAoXEysHvFTNknE

A virtual representation of the Path of Totality across the U.S. can be found on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTD7BxpR5n4

Be sure to check out the Weekly Tech Net!

The subject this week will be on antenna construction! What you have built? What bands, tools and materials do you use? How do you test it? Join the discussion and share your experiences whether success or failure, everyone can benefit from the experiences of others. And we would love to hear yours!

Check ins are Wednesday at 6:45PM, Net begins at 7:00PM

The Net takes place on frequency 145.290, has a -0.6MHz offset, and a CTCSS of 110.9Hz

March 26th 2024 Meeting

This year is off to a great start! With a lot more in the works, the club seems to be moving a very positive direction… Our March meeting will be taking place on Tuesday the 26th at 7:00pm at the Busch Community Room (7501 Ridge Road, Parma, Ohio 44129). I am pleased to also inform you that our President Dale Wood is again raffling off another hand held radi0! This time its a Quansheng UVK5, so make sure to get your ticket! Pizza is also going to be provided by Dale Wood. The discussion topic will be, what equipment individuals use, and how do they use it (I.E. Digital Modes, CW, SSB)

NASA calls for Ham Radio operators to assist during North American solar eclipse

The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) project, which involves amateur radio operators in studying the Earth’s ionosphere during the 2023 and 2024 North American solar eclipses. By making radio contacts during these events, ham radio operators can help scientists understand the ionosphere’s reaction to the temporary absence of solar radiation. This research is crucial for improving models of ionospheric activity, which affects global communications and navigation systems. The project invites ham radio enthusiasts to contribute to this scientific endeavor by transmitting, receiving, and recording radio signals, thereby providing valuable data for analysis. For a detailed overview, please refer to the original article on NASA’s website: Ham Radio Operators, We Need Your Help During Solar Eclipses!.

Website is Changing / New PRC Logo

As you may have noticed the website is looking a little different… Well thats because our new Vice President Jeboriah sheets has been making some changes to the website, bringing it new life and keeping it updated to bring all the exciting news about the PRC and events!

A huge thanks goes out to PRC member Tony Lutzo (KE8TFH) for designing 2 amazing new logos for the club! He is a graphic designer and was inspired to create this logo when seeing the changes to the website. Which logo do you like? Make sure to let Jeb (KE8YPP) know.

PRC off to an Exciting Start

Upcoming February 27th — Elmer Night

Our January meeting was well attended. Lots of hot, delicious pizza, and great conversation. It’s always fun to put a face to the friendly voice you’ve talked to on the radio. Many thanks to President Dale Wood who provided a variety of delicious pizza, refreshments, and a Baofeng UV-5R door prize. Although the “optics” were awkward, the winner was extremely surprised and I am enjoying it immensely.

Treasurer Tom Pechnik AC8EH was kept quite busy accepting dues from current and new members. If you haven’t renewed your membership, please do so using the application on this site. You can mail it to the Tom or take care of business at the February meeting.

Our next meeting is February 27th and we hope you’ll join us. We’re calling our meeting “Elmer Night”. In a sense it will be a continuation of last month’s socializing. At this meeting we want to nail down some program topics you’d like us to pursue during the upcoming year. In the process, you’ll learn about the fascinating and varied interests of our assembled group and you’ll also learn who Elmer is.


Compliments ARRL.ORG

The First Amateur Radio Station on the Moon, JS1YMG, is Now Transmitting


The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) successfully landed their Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) on January 19, 2024. Just before touchdown, SLIM released two small lunar surface probes, LEV-1 and LEV-2.

LEV-2 collects data while moving on the lunar surface, and LEV-1 receives the data.

The JAXA Ham Radio Club (JHRC), JQ1ZVI, secured amateur radio license JS1YMG for LEV-1, which has been transmitting Morse code on 437.41 MHz since January 19. The probe uses a 1 W UHF antenna with circular polarization and is transmitting “matters related to amateur business.”

Radio amateurs have been busy analyzing JS1YMG’s signal, with Daniel Estévez’s, EA4GPZ, blog introducing the method and extraction results for demodulating Morse code from the signal, as well as extracting the code string.

It’s unclear how long signals will be heard. JAXA has said that SLIM was not designed to survive a lunar night, which lasts about 14 days, and is due to return in a few days.

SLIM was launched on September 6, 2023, and landed on January 19, 2024, with the mission of analyzing the composition of rocks to aid research about the origin of the moon. SLIM’s landing made Japan the fifth country to achieve a soft touchdown on the moon. The landing was achieved with exceptional precision — within 180 feet of its targeted touchdown location.

Nets? Why Net?

The net continues to be a wonderful way to meet fellow members and polish radio communication skills. It’s painless and fun. When you’re ready, go another step and take the Net Control chair. It’s easy to do, and experienced NCOs will show you how they do it at a meeting or over the air. Wondering what you’d say on the net? A simple script is available on this site. Or write parmaradioclub@gmail.com and tell them you’re interested.

Our newest NCO is President Dale Wood KE8WZQ. While at this time he’s only had 2 or 3 nets under his belt, he sounds like he’s done it for years.

Tom Southam, W8WLI, brings a tremendous amount of experience to the job and is always ready to help a newcomer take the NCO helm. We all know that it’s more fun than you can imagine.